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17. October 2022
Artist Interview

Frieder Nake Coming To elementum With "Homage to Gerhard Richter" | 31 Oct. 2022

We are honoured to announce that elementum will present the Genesis NFT drop of the pioneer of computer art, Frieder Nake (16 December, 1938), curated by Georg Bak.

Based on the theories of Max Bense and Abraham Moles, the first generative works of art were created in the 1950s and 1960s. One of the founding fathers of computer art is Frieder Nake (former student of Max Bense), who designed his first programmed plotter drawings at the Technical University of Stuttgart in 1963 and visualized them on the "Graphomat" (ZUSE Z64) drawing machine. One of Frieder Nake best-known works is the "Hommage à Paul Klee", 1965, which, by the principle of chance, paid tribute to the Bauhaus artist.

"Chance is better than me" Gerhard Richter also said when he made colour charts that were arranged based on algorithms. Frieder Nake dedicates his Genesis NFT "Homage to Gerhard Richter" to the painter of the century in his most recent work of art. In this way, Gerhard Richter's striped images are continuously generated in endless variations by an algorithm.

To accompany and celebrate the release of Frieder Nake's Genesis NFT "Homage to Gerhard Richter", a physical exhibition will be hosted at the newly opened NFT Gallery in Zurich, Switzerland.

© - v0.4.102
* Ether prices marked with an asterisk are estimates only, as they are subject to exchange rate fluctuations. The final Ether price is determined upon checkout.