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Cosmic Neural Network

Cosmic Neural Network

ByBård Ionson

484 of 500 Editions Available

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Enhanced Sage Anomaly footage. In the winter of 1966 an underground MIT / IBM computer in North Bay Canada, used to monitor Russian activity began to generate images that foretold the future. It was one of 24 computers in a massive network across North America. This knowledge was reconstructed using artificial intelligence and machine learning using Art-DCGAN. (science fiction) Constructed using the artists oscilloscope drawings and multiple layers of artificial intelligence.

About the artist

Bard Ionson is a CryptoArt OG who began using NFT technology in 2018 to produce generative art. He has exhibited internationally in Tolmezzo, Italy, New York City, Manchester UK, Miami, London, Dubai, Paris, Riyadh, Manassas, VA. His work is in the permanent collctions of Museum of Crypto Art Paris and Museum of Crypto Art NYC. Techniques include using Ai, oscilloscopes, scanners and sound to create visual art and installations.

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0 of 2 Editions Available

© - v0.4.102
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