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ByTrygve Skogrand

0 of 4 Editions Available

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This work is part of the series "The Light Within", by the Norwegian artist Trygve Skogrand. The works are digital collages where the artist combines symbols, textures, photos and cutouts from painting to explore the unexpressed and inexpressible: from deep, private hopes to the expression of the subconscious through dreams. The artwork "Homecoming" is thought as a vision of one of man's deepest hopes: That one day, in some ultimate way, we will finally come home.

About the artist

Trygve Skogrand (b. 1967) lives and works in Asenfjord, Norway. After originally educating as a Civil Engineer, he has been working as an artist using computers as his artistic tool since the late 1990s. Skogrand's works have been exhibited in Oslo, Trondheim, Malmö, London, Edinburgh and Berlin, and been published as several art books.

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Trygve Skogrand

Girl in Transition

1 of 1 Editions Available

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